BLOG POST #3 - Key Post


After looking through the eight values of free expression I decided that number five was most personal to me. Number five is listed as a Check on Governmental Power. “We, along with the press, are part of the check-and-balance system to restrain government power and abuse of power.” No matter how hard it is, I believe it is important for the government to tell us everything. Looking at the people in the press is part of a check and balance system that reflects our democracy. The people are calling out those in charge for their secrets and misleadings. “ The value of individual autonomy differs from the value of checking government misconduct in several respects relevant to constitutional adjudication.”

I also see number five, check on governmental power in action today. Just the other day a pharmacist for Congress hinted at how he fills Alzheimer’s prescriptions for members of Congress. “It makes you kind of sit back and say, ‘Wow, they’re making the highest laws of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.’” They are coming up asking a question should they still be in power with these kinds of medical patients. Something that both the people and the press put together by Mike Kim going to STAT News.

If I had to choose which speech theory I believe most important I would pick a number eight, Protect Dissent. “Our system is not supposed to be one of mob rule… you have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government - and everyone else.” I believe it is important to remember that you have a right to stand up to the government but we do not have a right to attack and lash out on behalf of the government. Even minority views are protected under the first amendment.

There are many social media platforms that coincide with number four, individual self-fulfillment. This is described as, “free-speech enables individuals to express themselves thereby create their own identity - and, in the process perhaps, find kindred spirits.” Tick-tock is a new creative environment where people post their hobbies and their businesses and interact with fellow communities. It is a place where you are constantly interacting with different people, communities and even countries. It is an open space where you can be yourself and put yourself out there.

The speech theory ‘Promote Tolerance’ is going on today. Promote tolerance is, “it has been argued that freedom of speech, especially through our practice of extending protection to speech that we find hateful or personally upsetting, teaches us to become more tolerant of other aspects of life…”. We see this every day when we look outside. When listening to the news they have guest speakers who say things we may not like or if you scroll on your phone and see something you’re not used to. Whether you like it or not you tolerate it. If it is not hate speech or worthy of being condemned there’s no reason to be offended or upset by it. Teaching tolerance is how we will be able to diminish conflict.


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