Age of AI

 Age Of AI

For the AI to work as best as possible, it needs a lot of data and it looks like data from everyone. China currently uses many forms of AI to Servall the public. Especially since within the next 15 years AI and robots are predicted to threaten 50% of jobs in the next 15 years. Increases productivity for large companies but leaves the workers jobless. Even today with self-checkout and self ordering stands, it is taking away cashier jobs across the country, leaving fewer and more difficult jobs left. “ they don’t have a cushion so the lack of economic stability married with the disruptions in peoples careers is a really toxic mix”.

     China believes it can be a worldwide AI superpower by the year 2030 surpassing the United States. They also believe that they will be the ones to popularize AI and make it accessible and commercially sold to the public. Of course there are restrictions placed by governments. 

    When you search something on Google you create your browser history. That browser history is data that is collected and stored by Google. There are quite a few instances where we believe we are using technology when in actuality technology is using us. China even uses facial recognition pay technology at grocery stores, allowing yet another computer or data about yourself. 


    China is working itself up trying to become a total surveillance state. This will mean that no citizens would have privacy in their own homes or on the streets. In The United States we have a different kind of surveillance state. “Private corporations have built a corporate surveillance state without our awareness or permission.” The government is just now starting to make legislature about what companies can do with our personal data.

    We give our phones and computers so much of our private information. That information is always stored and if someone is capable enough to steal it you would probably have no idea. Governments can gain access to your data through the companies that already have access to your data, and sell it off. 


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