Ted Talks

The government can see if you go to church or travel to the same stores everyday, and you are analyzed on this data and activity without even interacting with them. “Although much tougher to observe, the same thing is happening with surveillance equipment. NSA - style mass surveillance is enabling local police departments to gather vast quantities of sensitive information about each and everyone of us in a way that was never previously possible”. The police are collecting plate reading data about where you go and who you are with, without your knowledge or consent. It is a scary thing to think about, having the these powerful people holding all this information on you

Christopher Soghoian also talks about how we can protect ourselves and our privacy. He talks about how because our phones are encrypted from the government we can use them to be smart and protect ourselves. Darieth Chisolm says in her Ted Talk, “our cyber civil rights are at stake. Here in the United States we need to have cleared tough enforcement;”. After describing all the holes she had to jump through just to get justice for herself, she wants to make a change to protect others so that they will never know how that kind of invasion of privacy feels.

The government has made it possible for this to become a civil liberties threat. Having all this data and information of others in your possession is not safe and can be used in many different ways. Although we want the government to protect us and not spy on our phones, that is exactly what they want. The Ted Talk by Christopher Soghoian Talks about how the government has always been able to spy on us and now they cant. Companies have made a default system of encryption where the government can not invade your phone and they are mad. The government wants to pass legislation allowing them to surveill on everyones phone, collecting data on innocent people, just waiting. 


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