EOTO 2: Response

EOTO 2 response: misinformation by Shanice

According to Shanice’s presentation on misinformation it is described as, “ This information is false information that is spread, regardless of whether there is intent to mislead”.

You don’t know how it starts but somehow it spreads. Misinformation is unintentionally spreading incorrect information full of bias or misleading information. This information is used in propaganda and tries to manipulate narratives.

Fake News is completely fabricated information used to manipulate the public. The Fake News tries to connect emotionally with it's audience and then manipulate their audience with biased information.Confirmation bias is when people ignore information from new or contradicting sources so that they can keep believing in what they want too.

This is a form of Illusory truth effect in which false information is spread around with no care whether they believe it to be true or not. Misinformation is unknowingly spreading false information while disinformation is deliberately trying to deceive, manipulate, or influence their audience. 

Impact: As a whole, the spread of incorrect, bias, and false information is hurtful in the long run. Not being able to look at all the facts and view things from a different perspective can and has boxed us in. effectively making some of us unable to have multiple points of view of the world and others.


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