Anti-War Movement

Anti-War Movement

    The antiwar movement began when the Vietnam war began. Many Americans were opposed to defending communist aggression so far away from home. After years of this war the only outcome was casualties which called for even more action to be taken. “The small antiwar movement grew into an unstoppable force, pressuring American leaders to reconsider its commitment.”  In the 1960s, radical activism started to grow. Protesters were fighting back at the police and students occupied buildings. It was a desperate cry for attention in a call to action.

    After the last antiwar movement in 2003 against the Iraq invasion we have not seen much of the movement. And because of this there’s been new pressure in Congress to consider any antiwar content. Congress focuses on issues like climate change in healthcare.“In 2019, however, an anti-war movement seems to be brewing… Instead, it’s a movement that’s being woven into just about every other issue that Americans are fighting for right now—which is exactly why it might actually work”.

        Those who are in control of the media, politics, and companies decide what we see and look at everyday. We are creatures of habit and tend to look at the same news and online sites where we get all the information we think we need. The real story of things people don't want you to know are hidden. They will not be advertised or pushed on you through social media. It is the individual's job now to go find this on their own. 

        The antiwar movement in the United States did have a large political and social impact in the 60s and 70s.“The anti-war movement did force the United States to sign a peace treaty, withdraw its remaining forces, and end the draft in early 1973.” We are still protesting war today. We see that the new generation has different priorities than the last. They are looking for changes and that is what they hope to bring with the new form of their movement.


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