Supreme Court

The Supreme Court


 While reviewing the two part documentary on the Supreme Court I learned a few things I didn’t know before it. I knew what their job was in their job description but I did not know what they physically did all day which as it turns out is sit around and read case files and study them. They also do not reject cases they agree with but publicly they are viewed as supporting it in fact it’s the opposite. I also learned that they have a special room where they all vote together locked away from the outside world.

As stated in the documentary the Supreme Court’s purpose is to “ safeguard liberty, preserve the union, and hold the rule of law”( Part I and Part II).They Ardell kidded to unbiased and law-abiding decisions their only purpose is to decide if judgment full of constitution or not. It’s just a sprayer said and part two, “courts have no secrets”( Part I and Part II).

The chief Justices all collectively said that for the first 3 to 5 years of their service they really relied on each other because this new environment with the new steaks was a really difficult adjustment for them. They also receive 100 new cases a week which is the same amount of cases they actually consider in a year.

After watching this documentary my view of the Supreme Court has changed a bit. To me the Supreme Court just says our figures inside large buildings make decisions. This film really humanizes them and lets you personally relate to these people who are making some of the biggest decisions for a country.


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