The Typewriter

The Typewriter: History and Importance

     First patent found in history was registered to a Henry Mill in 1714. He was a British engineer and unfortunately there is no record of what his invention model looked like. The first time a typewriter was proven to work was in 1808. Italian Pellegrino Turri built a machine for his friend Countess Carolina Fantoni da Fivizzano.
     Henry Mill wrote in his patent that he will create something capable of “an artificial machine or method for the impressing or transcribing of letters singularly or progressively one after another”. While we don't know if he ever accomplished this goal we will not know, all records or models have never been found. Pellegrino Turri on the other hand invented the typewriter for his friend the Countess who was blind. He believed that this would be an easier and more efficient way for her to be able to correspond with others. History has never found a model of this machine but we know it to be true because the first typed letters the Countess wrote still exist today. 
    Because we have so little information on Henry Miller‘s typewriter there is no clear answer as to a problem he wanted to solve. People have assumed that she was trying to find a quicker and easier way to duplicate a letter or document for some purpose. Pellegrino Turri built his typewriter as a machine to help the blind or handicapped. There was no patent filed by Turri, only the letters and design model remain.
    The typewriters invention basically brought the printing press into peoples homes. It’ll allowed one to transcribe identical letters or documents in a much faster and painless fashion. The alternative being a pen and ink was a more manual and time consuming way. Typewriters also became an extremely efficient element in the business world. Governments started investing in them because they liked the efficiency of the product. The typewriter is what gave us keyboards that we use in computers today. Its invention has opened the path for a new wave of technology.
     In the world where time is precious it is also valuable. The typewriter allowed for a quick and more efficient way of transcription. It saved businesses money and allowed for a new job market in production and application of the product. It had become a staple of many businesses and governments around the world. The typewriter allows for consistent and legible work able to be produced in a reduced time. Not only was the typewriter faster but it was also a less expensive option for people to choose when transcribing. Rather than replacing ink and pens rapidly, one could apply newink and be set to go. The typewriter gained its extreme popularity because it was such a  reliable and accurate machine.
    Because of the efficiency of the typewriter information was easily more quickly shared not only between people but businesses and governments but between neighbors and relatives, it  allowed for faster communication. The typewriter created  a new standard procedure which saved workers time, allowed businesses to hire more workers and allowed people to produce documents in a more modern way than ever before. Its impact still affects us today.
    The typewriter being what it is, has never really caused any negative effects. One could always say it contributed to deforestation by contributing to the demand for paper, but that seems to be a bit of a stretch. One thing that is a fact is that it contributed to a decrease in memory. It is a scientific fact that people better remember something when they write it down rather than type it up. The typewriter was a revolutionary step forward into the future of communication.


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